Here is a little Q&A for you

• How do I get to the Happening site / Carinas farm?
Nearest airport is Hamburg , closest trainstations are Ahrensburg/Luebeck/Bad Oldesloe - this is all still very far away ..
So take a bus to either the stop Sandesneben Schule (3km to walk or hitchhike) or the very closest one is: Schiphorst Eicheder Weg
the best way to find out about the bus schedule is here

• Are there any toilets on site ?
Yes, 6 comfortable toilets

• Are there any showers on site ?
Yes, indoor and outdoor. Outdoors we have solar shower bags ( a lot of them ) and if the sun is out we might be lucky to have
warm showers, otherwise ... only cold water

• Can I put up my tent close to Happening site ?
Yes , lots of camping space directly on site.
never forget that the camping ground is a private garden before and after the gathering, so make sure to leave it clean and there should be no plastic flying around at anytime

• How much for tickets ? one day ? all days ?
In Utopia , no tickets. Entrance free

• Where can I sleep ?
Dormitories ( we have a very limited amount of beds in the dorm so it is first asked, first served - You should
consider carefully if you really need a indoor bed or if you might want to leave it for some one else who
might need it more) ,
camping ( bring your tent and sleeping bag ),
at locals (b'n'b around 15€ let us know as soon as you can - it needs quite some time to organise),
in nearby hotels like Lauenburger Hof, Landgasthof Stamer and others we can help you if needed,
surprise surprise ... even airbnb is possible, as some people are offering it in this area

• Where can I buy food ?
Next shopping area is 3 km. Easy ! Edeka, Lidl, Aldi , bakeries, gas-station, pharmacy etc…
we can lend you a bike or you take your car - PLEASE always ask around if someone else needs anything from the shops or a lift.

• Are dogs allowed ?
Of course . We provide water and if necessary dog food . We provide poo-bags too . Keep the site clean.
please respect that our house dog Panou will always be the one to stay and if we need to your dog must leave the site

• Can I sell things ?
Mmmm… tell us more . What do you want to sell ? Are your prices fair ?
We actually never had something like a "marketplace" but we have open minds and hearts, surprise us with your idea!

• Any vegan food on site ?
We provide breakfast (also vegan) up for donation. Some lovely souls have already approached us with other food ideas.
So there will be some food (also vegan) up for fair prices or donation, otherwise we encourage everybody to use the kitchen and cook together and for others.
Have you ever heard about VoKü - Hail Utopia !

• Any wifi on site ?
Most probably not..! sorry…

• I am a musician. Is there a stage ? is it ok to play ?
yes , it is totally cool to play ! there is a large enough stage for 6-7 musicians and a good PA but engeneering ( mixing, setup , take down etc.. must be self organized . No worries, it works

• I am a musician and want to play. Is there a PA and some backline ? ?
Yes , it is totally cool to play ! We provide some basic backline ( drum kit, amps …) but make sure you bring your own gear just to be sure . There is a large enough stage for 6-7 musicians and a good PA but engeneering ( mixing, setup , take down etc.. must be self organized . No worries, it works

• I am a performer . Is it cool to spontaneously perform ?
Yes, of course. we have some gear such as a projectors, screens, stages , ….but make sure you bring your own accessories if needed

• When does the Happening start? end ?
Doors open on June, Friday the 21st ( that is summer solstice , also International Yoga Day , International Surfing Day , Music World Day ,...)
at about 4 pm and doors close on Sunday the 23rd at 6pm.
We do have late night resting hours were everybody has to stay in absolute silence in respect for our environment, surrounding and ourselves - the nightly silence hours always start at 2 am - we are very strict on this - please understand! If you still need to talk to someone please go for a walk outside of the village - thank you!